See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
(watching porn and masturbating)
…it’s like applying super glue again and again to something you actually want UNSTUCK
“you say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. and even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything
run from sexual sin! no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. for sexual immorality is a sin against your own body”
it’s to violate our body’s original purpose. we actually need to know how to use our body’s abilities and energy according to the purposes God had in mind for our physical biology
submit to God’s VOICE
when you experience this, you have two choices!
1. FORGIVE that person, family member, mom, dad, uncle, nephew or someone that badly hurt you, abused you, neglected you, violated you…
lied to you, used you or never cared about your existence or not valued you, robbed you, stole from you and every other hurtful thing that happened.
2. CONFESS all your secret sins and the double life you’re living in sexual immorality. Bring into the open all the bad stuff you did or busy doing…
Humble yourself and start the conversation with a trusted person who can help or has been through the same stuff as you and overcame it.
take courage and ask for HELP
commit yourself to, ask a trustworthy mentor who can help you throughout your journey of overcoming this addiction. you will need your dad or a trustworthy adult man (if you’re a teen) or a brother (in Christ) to rely on when things really get difficult, and it usually does get worse before it gets better
it will be humiliating and scary to open up the thoughts and actions only we knew about. it’s the secrets that haunt and entice us to keep walking in darkness and lustful ways and feel shameful about our lives
if we walk voluntary in openness and confession with one another, we can experience real fellowship and healing. this will cause all other relationships to become better as well
block and delete every kind of media and messages you stored or received. clean up everything that was connected or stored on any device
it’s better to have someone else (your dad or accountability partner etc.) to manage the app or blocker for you. if the program or app has internet time limits and daily time limit usage, then set it up to block everything online at your vulnerable times when you usually engage in pornography, videos etc.
Accountable2You Covenant Eyes ScreenTime EverAccountable
partaking in pornobation over months or years will form strong patterns and pathways in our brains and in our psychological processes and coping mechanisms on how to handle stress, our need for relaxation, how to cope with boredom or loneliness, our emotional and physical need for comfort, our sexual drive and desire for sexual pleasure or the need to escape from uncomfortable circumstances. we will skip learning life skills that usually takes effort, time, engagement with others and energy to learn, but we usually just go for the fast, available and quick fix of pornobation
you might find that you cannot masturbate without pornography. (you don’t get erect enough or it does not have the same effect as with porn) this is very normal and will pass away after a while. don’t fall back because you think something went wrong… it’s almost like your brain and body must ‘reset’ to normal again
there are those who can do it and we honor your effort and success, then there are others like me that took a while to get out of the habit
refer to ‘struggling with masturbation‘ for a more detailed explanation
you can be the best help and accountability partner for such a person or friend because of your own experiences. don’t be afraid to speak about your successes and failures. we all benefit from each other
“don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? don’t fool yourselves. those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
some of you were once like that!
but you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God”
they also were young and probably struggled with the same things you do
or you’re an adult, then search a Godly counselor or mentor and ask the Holy Spirit to help you find someone trustworthy
in the following examples you must be vigilant and take extra care about your thoughts, triggers and how you spend your time…
memories of past sexual activities, pornobation sessions, fantasies, people etc. that normally kicked your sexual responses into action and started you of to plan and engage in sexually acting out
when your testosterone levels feel totally overwhelming and you just want to experience that sexual pleasure and relieve it produced in the past or you just want to make sure everything is working properly down there after abstaining for so long
to escape and just relax and take some time out of this pressure during exams, tests, difficult commitments, or any other related situations that cause extra pressure and stress
you might justify a reward for yourself or it might be that you can relax now and drop your guard. after can also be after the 1st initial acting out again when you give yourself the excuse that it happened now, so why not go ahead and do it some more before i will stop again
during weekends or holidays when you don’t have a set program, responsibilities or other things to keep you busy with
for that ‘best intimate friend’ you spend time with and had sex with anytime you needed a fix. if we quit pornobation, it’s like our best friend died and every now and again we deeply long for that ‘relationship’ again. morn it but don’t revive this ‘friend’ because it did more harm than good
you just want to feel something exiting again or to escape difficult situations you actually need to face and work through
these enticing dreams will trigger your sexual drive and fantasies into acting out again.
this is some common ones you need to know about and make the necessary precautions beforehand
the difficult situations and challenges you are facing and working through during this process will mostly pass away. the intensity of it will decrease and it will get easier, even to a place where you never want to return or be enticed with this harmful addictions again
Father God in Heaven, thank You for this man and the abilities You have already placed in him
thank You for the enabling energy, courage and wisdom that will bring freedom and success into his future!
Father I ask that You protect and help this man when he finds himself in vulnerable times or places, give him a road out so that he can experience Your goodness every day!
i bless you with an increase of discernment from God to enable you to make the right choices and your next generation’s future!
i bless you in your manhood to grow in maturity of emotions, character and the ability to rule and be in control as God ordained men to do
i bless your sexual development and to become a sexually pure man without being stuck in sexual immorality of this sexualized culture we live in.
thank You Father that You are inviting / invited this man into sonship with You
Father in Heaven, we thank you for taking the time and effort to discipline us and help us mature into responsible man!