how to overcome sexual immorality

activate your ability to rule again


exercise authority to protect, manage, organize, rule and cultivate so that the result is growth, prosperity, health & maturity


START with one of the following


Struggling with

pornography & sexual immorality

there are so many possibilities of getting involved, but the real issue is that WE ARE THE ONE STRUGGLING and we know its wrong AND we cannot help ourselves to stop

there’s nothing wrong with us to be interested in sexual stuff, all men are God made us to react sexually and be interested in sex

He gave us clear guidelines on how to keep us safe from harm. these uncomfortable things we might experience right now… READ MORE

Struggling with

masturbation & sexual fantasies

a habit and addiction always start somewhere and is usually because of the ESCAPE, COMFORT or physical PLEASURE it bring produce. then it becomes a habit and lifestyle

it can begin when someone sexually violated us or enticed us into sexual activities to do with them or to them

sometimes we need comforting effects and sometimes we need escape from difficult situations, stress, life etc. and other times we just want to feel the pleasure it provides… READ MORE

Are you a Sexual Abuse victim?

Find information HERE.

Click on Strive for a 21-day ‘Porn Detox’ FREE program


Click on Husband Material - ‘How to outgrow porn’ - FREE program


Click on Covenant Eyes to see - A Porn Recovery Series for Couples - FREE


questions boys & men frequently ask