3rd private father & son meeting

Important note for Fathers / Mentors

Use the following questions to answer to your son and give him a view into your life and time of puberty. Then let him answer the questions.

1st read HERE about PORNOGRAPHY to help you with information

  • How do you think someone can get caught up in pornography & masturbation?

  • Have you been involved in any games with sexualized outcomes, actions or punishment for loosing? (Spin the Bottle, True-Dare-Command, Dark room, Hide and Seek, Doctor-Docter, Mom & Dad, Family etc.)

  • Have you ever been sexually abused or touched by someone in an uncomfortable way? or did you ever played or touched someone else sexually?

  • As a safeguard for our family, we need to decide together on a Parental Control Program to install on all our internet accessible devises.

2nd private father & son meeting

4th private father & son meeting