See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
you might set yourself up for disappointment and loose hope in the process of abstaining (to never masturbate again) usually it will be a journey of failing some of your challenges BUT MOST important is to START again, because through this trail and error you will learn how to overcome shame and disappointments
masturbating more than once a day, then start with disciplining your sexual drive in doing it just once a day for the next 2 weeks maximum
used to once a day, then start by just skipping every other day for the next 2 weeks maximum
manage that, then just go for every 3rd or 4th day for the next 2 weeks maximum
from masturbating the more you will experience the benefits and you will start to see and feel life differently!
do it WITHOUT ANY KIND OF ENHANCEMENTS (sexual fantasies, -daydreams, pornography, sexualized music, -magazines, -stories or contact with the people that sexually aroused you, etc.)
DON’T DO it the second time after the first relapse (giving in to masturbation when you tried to stop) this is difficult because we tend to use our first relapse as an excuse to masturbate repeatedly again because we have failed our efforts to stop. this will rather enhance your sexual drive again and mess up your next effort to stop
you need to TALK & PRAY it through with your dad, counselor or mentor. we regularly need to discipline our thoughts and fantasies into submission to purity
“we use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ”