why do boys and men get 'wet dreams'?

a wet dream is when you get an erection while sleeping and ejaculate semen

this can happen with or without sexual stimulating dreams during sleep. some men wake up, just after ejaculation but others find out about it when they get up in the morning and their sleeping pants or bedding is wet with semen residue. semen is not harmful to your skin, clothing or bedding and it does not stain, but wash your sleeping pants and bedding regularly for normal cleanliness. dried semen can leave a yellowish or whitish residue but it can be easily washed or wiped off

WHY: semen production and storage happens in the seminal vesicles just behind a man’s bladder. When these vesicles are filled, the semen either gets drained out by ejaculation or slowly released through the prostate when a man urinates. (take a pee)

if a man abstain from any sexual activity like masturbation or sexual acting out he might start to experience regular wet dreams. wet dreams can happen once a week or less, but it is very normal and a natural way our bodies manage itself and stay healthy

  • An erection is when your penis enlarges and gets hard when blood flows into it through arteries but the blood flow gets restricted by veins inside the penis so that the accumulation of blood increase the size and the length of the penis.

  • Ejaculation is when you experience sexual pleasure in and around your genitals and reach a sexual climax. Semen is then released out of your penis through multiple contractions of the prostate gland and other muscles inside the groin area. Thus (about 8 to 16 contractions) forces semen out of the penis.

  • Semen is the liquid that contain sperm cells. Semen is the actual fluid that a man ejaculate from his penis and it is a combination of about 65-75% seminal fluid, (nutrients and proteins) 25-30% prostate fluid, (liquid excretion from the prostate) 1-5% Cowper’s Gland fluid (detergent, anti bacterial and lubricant) and only about 1-2% sperm cells.

  • The prostate is a walnut size gland just below a man’s bladder. It has the ability to open and close the urinary tract (tube) and open the seminal tract (tube) connected to the seminal vesicles. The prostate help with contractions during ejaculation when it forces the semen through the urinary tract and out of the penis.

  • The genitals consist out of the penis and scrotum sack that hangs between a man’s legs.

  • The scrotum is the skin bag that hangs behind your penis and contains two testicles. The testicles produce sperm cells. Sometimes men were born with only one testicle inside the scrotum sack. Don’t panic if that’s the case for you, because it will not affect your manliness or your masculinity and you are no less a man. You will also be able to conceive children and live a normal life. If it does bother you, you might consider an artificial testicle implant.

  • Masturbation is when a boy or man stimulates his genitals for sexual pleasure and usually to the point of a sexual climax and ejaculation. Stimulation can take on many forms of action, movement, rubbing or stroking of your penis so that it produces sexual pleasure.

    (see also ‘what is masturbation’)

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