See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
See for Yourself website was started in 2018 as a resource for teens, young men, parents and older men wanting more information regarding sexuality and sexual issues
do some online research on him or her. It’s not fool proof, but it might reveal perpetrators
its risky with known friends as well
you will never know where it might end up. Don’t even trust the people you trust today… they might turn on you tomorrow!! (You cannot control what happens with normal or sexual explicit content on the internet. You cannot trust unknown contacts and what they’re after. The ‘girl’ or ‘boy’ you are chatting with might be a pervert, child molester or a pedophile. It also could be a syndicate posing as a person to blackmail innocent people. YOU DON’T KNOW who is on the other side!!
even if the unknown person persist to do so
your response can be used against you without you to explain the situation. If the person is adamant to have you sent images, explicit or not, it’s best to block them
it could contain a virus, malware, worms and other malicious programs
before you click “send” to unknown persons IN THE FUTURE!